Fizzy Play

Fizzy Play

We had lots of fun during our TFI STEAM Week.

One of our favourite and easiest play set ups has been fizzy play. To have a go yourself, you simply need vinegar and bicarb.

It's so much fun that your children will want to do this again and again.

TFI STEAM Week Activity - Fizzy STEM Play with Lanka Kade Scientist

I like to use white vinegar so that we can use food colouring to match our play and make it more colourful but any acidic liquid will work.

You can make this activity as simple or elaborate as you would like. I chose to use it as a part of our under the sea small world play. 

Using the Yellow Door Waterfall inside a tray, I mixed some white vinegar and blue food colouring before adding our Tender Leaf coastal animals. The bicarb was placed into one of the rustic bowls along with some of the measuring spoons to scoop a small amount in at a time.

Yellow Door Education Rustic Nesting Bowls. Fizzy experiment

Before any of the children scooped the bicarb into the vinegar, I asked them what they thought would happen. They had lots of different guesses. One thought it may explode like a rocket. 

Each of them took a turn to spoon the bicarb into the waterfall and watch as it fizzed before deciding to see how much it would take for it to bubble over the edge.

Yellow Door Education Waterfall, Tender Leaf coastal animals. Fizzy experiment

There are so many other play ideas that you can include this fizzy experiment in. From erupting volcanoes to diy lava lamps, children will love exploring the fizzy fun. You could even mix things up and use lemon and bicarb for a fruity alternative with the same bubbly outcome.

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